- Company Profile
We’ve been tackling with environmental problems with the motto “Think of the global environment first and take action in harmony with the global environment” since the establishment of our company.
In order to keep ourselves ready to handle issues to be caused by environmental changes as a result of social evolution, we continue to make great efforts to improve our skills, make equipment investment for facility expansion required to improve quality and to shorten the delivery lead time and aim to become a group of environmental experts needed by the society.
We would appreciate your continued support and assistance.
CEO Toshinori Yamamoto
Company Outline
Company name | Seibu Environmental Research Co., Ltd. |
Establishment date | February 28, 1980 |
Head Office Location | 26-1, Mikawachishinmachi, Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture |
Amount of capital | 98 million yen |
Telephone | 0956-20-3232(Representative number) |
Facsimile | 0956-20-3233(Representative number) |
Number of employees |
Technical experts: 54 Clerical staff and others : 12 (66 in total) As of December, 2017 |
Registration and Certification
Construction consultation | No.建28-7398, Ministry of Land Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) |
Survey Business | No.(3)-32935 |
Measurement Certification Business (concentration) | No.20, Nagasaki Prefecture |
Measurement Certification Business (sound pressure level) | No.84, Nagasaki Prefecture |
Measurement Certification Business (vibration acceleration level) | No.85, Nagasaki Prefecture |
Measurement Certification Business (concentration) | No.87, Fukuoka Prefecture |
Measurement Certification Business (sound pressure level) | No.23, Fukuoka Prefecture |
Measurement Certification Business (vibration acceleration level) | No.16, Fukuoka Prefecture |
Registration of Working Environment Measurement Institution | No.42-4, Nagasaki Labor Standards Bureau |
Registration of Building Air Environment Measurement Institution | 空No.1, Nagasaki Prefecture |
Registration of Building Drinking Water Quality Examination Business | 水No.1, Nagasaki Prefecture |
Registration of Water Analysis Institution for hot spring qualification | No.2, Nagasaki Prefecture |
Registration of Designated Test Institution by Water Supply Law | No.172, Ministry of Land Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) |
Quality Management System ISO 9001 | No.00QR・416, The High Pressure Gas Safety Institute of Japan |
Registration Soil Contamination Countermeasures Survey Institution | 環2003-7-1012, Ministry of the Environment |
EcoAction 21 | Certification/registration №0011649 |
Qualified contractor for dioxins research performed by the Ministry of the Environment (2011~2013) |
Corporate Development
February, 1980 | Seibu Environmental Research Co., Ltd. was established (Shiomi-cho, Sasebo City) |
March, 1980 | Registration of Measurement Certification Business (Concentration) in Nagasaki Prefecture |
July, 1981 | Registration of Working Environment Measurement Institution |
July, 1984 | Registration of Building Drinking Water Quality Examination Business |
April, 1986 | New building completed. Relocation of the Head Office (Hirota-cho, Sasebo City) |
May, 1986 | Opening of Fukuoka Business Office |
July, 1986 | Registration of Measurement Certification Business (Noise and vibration) in Fukuoka Prefecture |
March, 1989 | Registration of Building Air Environment Measurement Institution |
July, 1995 | Opening of Nagasaki Research Office |
May, 1996 | Opening of Kumamoto Business Office |
October, 2000 | Acquisition of Quality Management System ISO 9002certification (H.O.) |
December, 2000 | Opening of Saga Business Office |
November, 2001 | Registration of Measurement Certification Business (Noise and vibration) in Nagasaki Prefecture |
December, 2001 | New building completed. Relocation of the Head Office (Mikawachishinmachi,, Sasebo City) |
December, 2001 | Registration of Construction Consultation Business |
October, 2002 | Registration of Water Analyzing Business for Hot spring registration |
January, 2003 | Registration of Soil Contamination Countermeasures Survey Institution |
October, 2003 | Renewed Quality Management System ISO 9002 Certification (Except for Saga Business Office) |
March, 2004 | Registration of Designated Test Institution by Water Supply Law |
February, 2016 | EcoAction21Certification/egistration (Head office) |
July, 2016 | Registration of Measurement Certification Business (Concentration) in Fukuoka Prefecture |
February, 2017 | EcoAction21Certificaition/regstration enlarged range(companywide) |
ISO Quality Policy
「We make our efforts in pursuit of customer satisfaction with research on their needs and aim to become a company to contribute to the society with our expert knowledge of environmental survey.」
September 1, 2013
CEO Toshinori Yamamoto
Environmental Management Policy
1. Basic principle
Seibu Environmental research Co., Ltd. conducts environmental research projects as a business activity, and
recognizes environmental conservation as the most important management issue because our business is
directly involved with the environment. For this reason, we will properly grasp the impact of our business
activities on the environment, and with the motto “Let’s think globally and act locally,” considering local
residents and the local environment, we will carry out business activities in environment and people friendly
ways. In addition, by promoting standardization and efficiency improvement of work and responding to
technological innovation, we make it possible to achieve both high accuracy and cost reduction, and aim
to be a company with a wide range of advanced technologies that can meet diverse customer needs.
In order to realize this, we will establish the following environmental management policies and strive for
environmental conservation and ongoing improvement based on that policy.
2. Environmental Management Policy
(1) Promotion of energy saving and reduction of CO2 emissions
We will reduce power consumption and fuel consumption to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
(2) Reduction of waste and promotion of recycling activities
We will make efforts to minimize waste associated with our business activities and promote recycling
(3) We make efforts to save and economize water resources.
(4) Promote expansion of green purchasing and utilization of recyclable resources.
(5) We strive to manage chemical substances properly and reduce their usage.
(6) Promote environmental consideration on the reports and services to be provided.
(7) Compliance with environmental laws and regulations
We will comply with environmental laws and ordinances.
(8) Continuous improvement of environmental management
We set targets for environmental management, and by reviewing and evaluating the results of the efforts,
we will continuously improve our environmental management.
(9) Cooperation on information provision and local environmental activities / measures
We will provide information on the environment to the inside and outside of the company, such as publishing
environmental management reports, and actively participate in local environmental activities and measures
as a member of the local society.
(10) Approach to Renewable Energy Related Business
By actively engaging in wind power, tidal current, biomass and other renewable energy related work, we will
contribute to improvement of domestic energy situation.
Established June 26, 2016
Revised November 1, 2018
Representative Director and President Toshinori Yamamoto
Business Office and Research Office
Fukuoka Business Office
8-14, Chikkohonmachi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, 812-0021 |
TEL (092)262-3717 FAX (092)262-3718 |
Nagasaki Research Office
D-FLAG 201, 1-43, Dejima-machi, Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, 850-0862 |
TEL (095)833-2100 FAX (095)833-2147 |
Kumamoto Business Office
711-23, Minamitoyosaki, Matsubase-machi, Uki City, Kumamoto Prefecture, 869-0543 |
TEL (0964)34-3075 FAX (0964)34-3076 |
Saga Business Office
3961-16, Yamashirochokuhara, Imari City, Saga Prefecture, 849-4256 |
TEL (0955)20-2055 FAX (0955)20-2099 |
Enrolled group
Japan Association of Environment Assessment | Nagasaki Measurement Association |
Japan Marine Surveys Association | Kyushu Economic Research Center |
Japan Environmental Measurement and Chemical Analysis Association (JEMCA) |
Japan Society of Civil Engineers |
Japan Association for Working Environment Measurement | Japan Society on Water Environment |
Fukuoka Environmental Certification Association | Japan Society for Impact Assessment |
Nagasaki Marine Industry Cluster Promotion Association and others |
Qualification and Degree acquired by our technical experts
Professional engineer | Comprehensive Technical Supervision Department, Construction Department Environment Department, Fisheries Department |
Registered Civil Engineering Conlsulting Manager | Agricultural engineering Department |
Doctor’s degree | Science |
Certified environmental measurer | Concentration, noise and vibration |
Registered surveyor | |
First-Class construction managing engineer | |
First-Class hydrographical surveying experts (port and harbor) | |
Port, harbor and marine surveyor | Environmental survey, weather ・hydrographic phenomenon survey |
Environmental counselor | Business Operators Department, Citizens Department |
Biotope construction management supervisor | First-class and Second-class |
Biotope planning supervisor | First-class and Second-class |
Biological classification certification examination | First-class (Plant section), (hydrosphere organism section), (animal section) Second-class (hydrosphere organism section), (animal section) |
Working environment surveyor | Type 1 and Type 2 |
Anti-pollution supervisor Dioxins Noise-related Vibration-related |
Atmospheric air Type 4, atmospheric air Type 4, water quality Type 1 and water quality Type 2 |
Radiation protection supervisor | |
Odor judgement technician | |
Qualified diver | |
First-class small-size ship pilot | |
Second class middle-size ship pilot (limited to 5-ton ship) |
Commendation by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Merit Award of ingenuity
April 18, 2005 Yusuke Ota, Chief of Nagasaki Resarch Office
“Improvement of marine environmental survey (monitoring method of seawater cloudiness)”
Commendation of Excellence Award by Fukuoka Prefectural Governor
September 16, 2006 Fukuoka Business Office
“Let’s conduct environmentally friendly business activities” Contest
We were awarded Excellent Prize in the contest titled “Let’s conduct environmentally friendly business activities” sponsored by the Fukuoka prefectural office for the purpose of encouraging companies to take greenhouse effect measures.
![]() Mr. Yamaguchi, President, receiving the award from Mr. Aso, Fukuoka Prefectural Governor. |
![]() |
Efforts of company
May 17th,2021
Action plan of Seibu Environmental Research Co.,Ltd.
(Base on Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children)
We do improve our labor environment that workforce can be provided a great work environment is compatible with work and life.As a result, we institute a following-action plan which they perform at us full potential and develop us and do some good in the community about Raising Next-Generation Children.
1.Plan period June 1th,2021~May 31th 2026(5years)
【Furtherance of holidays to people raising children and providing nursing care etc.】
Goal 1:We keep up acquisition 100%-rate that holiday of raising child leave of woman in plan period.
◎June,2021~ We keep making it known employees and managers.
◎June,2021~ We acquire the cover calculatedly and no delay.
◎June,2021~ We work through creating work environment and institution that women does more shine.
Goal 2:We drive forward men’s taking part in child care.
◎June,2021~ We keep up acquisition 100% rate of spousal holiday for childbirth.
Goal 3:We make them known the nursing care system again.
◎June,2021~ We publicize the inquiry counter about raising children and nursing care again.
【Furtherance of take a paid holiday】
Goal 4:Continue to acquisition 70% rate of annual paid holiday.
◎June,2021~ Promote our employee who have a lot of paid-holiday to use it in off season.
◎June,2021~ Continue to investigation a paid-holiday calculatedly.
【Reducing extra work hours】
Goal5:Set a target of no more than 25 hours of overtime per month on average per year.
◎June,2021~ Continue to implement no-overtime days.
◎June,2021~ Conduct research and analysis of the causes of overtime work and consider countermeasures.
◎June,2021~ Reduce the number of cases in which overtime exceeds 60 hours per month to 20 or less per year.
Corporate activities
May 12, 2017
Action plan of Seibu Environmental Research Co., Ltd.
(In accordance with Countermeasures Promotion Law for Development of Next Generation )
We take measures to improve our workplace where all the employees can enjoy working, keeping the balance between work and family. For the purpose of letting our employees to fully exhibit their ability in such worker-friendly environment, leading to corporate growth, and contributing to local community in supporting the development of next generation with our business, we hereby created the following action plans.
1. Duration of the action plan
June 1, 2016 ~ May 31, 2019
2. Description
(Promotion of taking child-care leave)
【Target 1】 Maintain 100% of women’ taking child-care leave
◎June, 2016 ~ Make people in managerial posts and staffs know the child-care leave system.
◎June, 2016 ~ Systematically make arrangement to secure substitutive personnel without late.
◎June, 2016 ~ Perform a in-house lecture about the child-care leave system in accordance with the corporate law .
◎June, 2016 ~ Create a system to provide women-friendly working environment where they can exhibit their ability.
(Promotion of taking child-care leave)
【Target 2】 Encourage male workers to take child-care leave to help their wives.
◎June, 2016 ~ Promotion of 100% of men’s taking special holidays at the time of their wives’ childbirth.
(Promotion of nursing care leave system)
【Target 3】 Make workers know the family care leave system, again.
◎June, 2016 ~ Perform a lecture about the nursing care leave system in accordance with the corporate law.
◎June, 2016 ~ Encourage staffs to utilize the help desk for consultation on the child-care and nursing care issues.
(Encourage workers to take annual paid leave)
【Target 4】 Recommend staffs to use 70% or more of given paid holidays a year
◎June, 2016 ~ Encourage staffs to use 50% or over of given paid holidays a year, including those carried over from the previous year.
◎June, 2016 ~ Encourage employees with accumulated carried over paid holidays to take long vacation during off-season.
◎June, 2016 ~ Encourage employees to systematically take days off .
◎June, 2016 ~ Make sure to let employees know the special leave system given for each staff’s personal anniversary or cerebration.
(Reduction of overtime work)
【Target 5】 Keeping overtime work of employees under 20 hours per person per month (annual average)
◎June, 2016 ~ Continuation of No Overtime Work Day campaign .
◎June, 2016 ~ Create countermeasures to prevent overtime work by performing survey and analysis of its cause.
◎June, 2016 ~ Decrease the number of employees with more than 60 hours of overtime work per month to 15 people and lower.
◎June, 2016 ~ consideration and establishment of work-sharing system.
We help employees to balance career and child-rearing, and corporate life and family life.
We are addressing “renovation of workplace culture.”
『Work-Family Balance declaration 』
For our efforts to adopt WLB into our employees’ life.
Nowadays, we are facing flood of problems including child-care, nursing care and labor power problems due to decreasing birthrate and aging population, increasing number of suicides caused by heavy work load, family breakdown and increasing number of employees with mental health disorder due to problems in work environment. In this society with those problems in background, we’ve recently started tackling with mental health problems, sexual harassment, power harassment and heavy work load in order to provide working environment where employees work safely and comfortably. We consider that by our efforts to achieve the work-life balance, each employee will feel fulfillment in his/her whole life including the life at work, which serves as important driving forces in creating energy and heightened sense of value, eventually leading to corporate’s continued growth and development. Based our belief, starting from 2006 we conducted a survey to know the status of employees and tried hard to keep employees informed about our child-care and nursing care help system and encouraged them to make best use of the benefit and also encourage them take paid holidays through in-house lectures. We know it is not so easy for our employees to achieve work-life balance as long as they are working in a contractor company. However, it is our mission to change the current old-fashioned corporate culture as seen in the era of high economic growth gradually to such a new workplace as to provide workers with work-life balance.
September 1, 2013
Seibu Environmental Research Co., Ltd.
CEO Toshinori Yamamoto